
The Travel Specialist in Accounting Services is responsible for coordinating the Travel Program of the University. This includes reviewing all travel related documents, training in travel procedures, paying travel claims, paying conference registration fees, and issuing travel advances for group travel. 

Contact Information

Policy & Procedures

  • CSUDH follows the CSU travel policy ICSUAM 3601.01.
  • In addition to the CSU travel procedures contained in the CSU travel policy, the following includes campus-specific travel procedures. This site is not intended to replace the policy; rather, to serve as a quick reference guide to the most common aspects of Travel.
  • Individuals traveling on official University business must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the CSU Travel Policy and Procedures, and University travel procedures.

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The university will not pay for any seat upgrades, including but not limited to paying additional fees for exit row, premium seats, business class or first class. Refer to CSU Policy for exceptions, which require approval of the Divisional Vice President. In the event there are only paid seats available during your check-in, these fees are still not reimbursable since the airline will assign you a seat at the airport.

When a traveler prefers to use a higher class than the one authorized for reimbursement, the traveler must pay the incremental cost of the airfare. A documented cost comparison must be attached to the Travel Expense Claim.  A cost comparison form must be submitted with the Travel Request.

If travel will be same day, University Traveler should travel basic economy (or “Group 9”) where traveler may only carry a personal bag/backpack.

Bundled Travel Packages

In order to properly account for the cost of allowable expenses, traveler should not book travel packages, i.e. package that combines airfare, lodging, car rental, etc. into one price.

Travel packages purchased from internet vendors typically do not itemize expenses. Therefore, no business-related travel should be booked through such vendors unless the traveler has confirmed that each aspect of the package will be separately itemized (e.g. itemized hotel charges, airfare, etc.) to assure appropriate documentation for reimbursement.

Canceled Travel

If a trip must be canceled or changed, the traveler must make every effort to cancel/change any travel reservations. Fees incurred as a result of cancelling/changing a trip will be covered if the cancellation/change was work related or due to unforeseen circumstances out of the control of the traveler. A business justification must be submitted and approved by the approving authority. 

Travelers who are unable to honor a reservation shall be responsible for canceling the reservation in compliance with the cancellation terms established by the vendor. The traveler must return any refundable deposits to the University. 

Charges or lost refunds resulting from failure to cancel reservations, registrations, etc. shall not be reimbursed unless the traveler can show that such failure was the result of circumstances beyond the traveler's control.

Action Required Upon Trip Cancellation

Non-refundable out of pocket expenses incurred

Submit travel claim to Accounts Payable that includes all non-refundable expenses incurred (out-of-pocket or direct-billed) along with required back up and cancellation memo.

Non-refundable direct-billed expenses incurred

Submit travel claim to Accounts Payable that includes all non-refundable direct-billed expenses along with required back up and cancellation memo.

Lost refund resulting from failure to cancel reservation

Must be due to circumstances beyond the traveler's control.  Additional justification/memo must be attached to the travel expense claim, and must be approved by the approving authority. 

Charges for re-ticketing, schedule changes, etc.

If incurred for a valid business reason, the reason for the charge must be specified on the Travel Expense Claim or memo and must be approved by the approving authority. 

Additional charges incurred to accommodate personal schedules are not allowed.

Advance received, no expenses incurred, advance check not cashed

Return advance check to Accounts Payable with cancellation memo attached.

Advance received, no expenses incurred, advance check cashed

Write check payable to CSUDH in the amount of advance issued and submit to Cashier.

No expenses incurred


Cash Advances for Group Travel

Cash advances are only allowed for student group travel accompanied by a CSUDH employee.  All requests for advances must be submitted to Accounting Services at least two weeks prior to the date of the trip. Advances will be released no earlier than one week before the trip.

In order to document the business purpose for which a cash advance was issued or a pre-paid expense was reimbursed, the traveler must submit an Expense Report no later than 60 days after the expenses were paid or incurred even if he or she is not owed any additional reimbursement.

Cash Advances can cover up to 80% of lodging and meal expenses only and must be:

  • submitted via Concur Travel Request fourteen (14) days or more before first day of travel, so plan accordingly. Advances will be released no earlier than one week before the trip.
  • A minimum of $200
  • paid via EFT. Please submit EFT form if not already on file in Accounts Payable. 

If the amount of an advance exceeds the reimbursable expenses, repayment for the amount due shall be submitted to the Cashier’s Office immediately upon completion of travel and the receipt shall be submitted with the Expense Report. Checks must be made payable to CSU Dominguez Hills. 

In the event that the trip is cancelled or postponed, it is the department’s responsibility to request refunds from vendors for pre-paid travel expenses.

In accordance with the CSU Travel Policy, advances will not be authorized under the following circumstances:

  1. More than 60 days have elapsed since expenses have been paid or incurred and no Expense Report has been submitted;
  2. There is an outstanding travel advance. No more than one travel advance will be granted at a time. Each travel advance must be accounted for before another is granted;
  3. The Travel Card has been lost. Lost cards should be reported to US Bank immediately and arrangements made for issuance of a replacement card; 
  4. The Travel Card cannot be used due to the traveler’s failure to meet the cardholder responsibilities.

Also see Group Travel.


Concur is for employee travelers only, for official, state-funded, university business travel. 

If you are a Concur user, the policies and procedures in the sections below still apply to your travel. However, you will be submitting all documentation via the Concur portal (available via MyCSUDH) rather than submitting the travel forms via email.

Group Travel

The University may negotiate agreements with restaurants, hotels, and similar establishments to furnish subsistence to a group or groups of University employees when it is to the University's advantage.

Under such an agreement, the vendor may be paid either by the group leader or by billing the University. Group travelers may claim reimbursement of such expenses as follows:

  • Group leaders who pay all or part of the group's expenses may be reimbursed by submitting a claim for the actual expenses incurred. The claim must be accompanied by the vendor's invoice/receipt showing payment in full.
  • Members of a group who have some portion of their subsistence expenses paid by the group leader may claim reimbursement for the remainder of their subsistence expenses.

When negotiated agreements are not feasible or where a university-issued charge card cannot be used, similar to ICSUAM 1205.00 - Group Travel (for student athletes), the University may issue cash advances to Faculty and/or Staff to pay for student meals related to group student travel. Cash distributed to students by the group leader must be acknowledged in writing by the students at the time of receipt and this acknowledgement must be attached to the travel claim filed by the recipient for the cash advance. This acknowledgement will also serve as substantiation of the expenditure, in lieu of actual receipts. The cash distribution is to the students only and does not apply to those individuals employed by the University.

International Travel

Employees who travel internationally on CSU business are required to use the Foreign Travel Insurance Program (FTIP) provided by the California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA). Contact the campus Risk Management Office.

The International reimbursement rates are determined by the US Department of State, Office of Allowances. Although the site references the amount as a per diem, this is a do-not-exceed amount. CSUDH will reimburse actuals only.

All expenses must be in US Dollars. If the travel expense tool does not automatically calculate foreign currency to US Dollars, than the traveler will need to do so. Please use Oanda currency converter for proper currency conversion and print and submit website conversion along with the receipts.

Local Public Transportation, Shuttle Service, Taxi, Rideshare (Uber and Lyft)

Local public transportation fares (e.g., buses, subway, streetcars) shall be allowed. The cost of shuttle service to and from an airport or railroad station, plus reasonable tips, is allowable to the extent such service is not included in air or rail fares. Taxi fares, including tips, shall be allowed when the use of public transportation or airport shuttle service is impractical or not available. The cost must be reasonable in relation to personal car use costs, including parking, tolls, etc.

When using Lyft or Uber, Lyft (4 passengers) and Uber X are the recommended levels. A justification to use a higher, more expensive mode must be attached to the Travel Claim form and must be approved by the approving authority.


Travelers may secure lodging when traveling on business more than 25 miles (one way) from their normal work location or home whichever is closer.

The nightly lodging rate for domestic travel may not exceed $333 per night, not including taxes and other related charges.

Traveler will be reimbursed for actual lodging expenses and a receipt is required. Any published amounts referenced as per diem are considered a do-not-exceed amount by CSUDH.

A traveler who attends an approved conference where the conference-provided block room rate exceeds the $333/night limit, may stay at the conference hotel without additional approval.

Lodging is the only expense you may share with another individual traveler. If you share lodging with another University Traveler, only one traveler needs to expense the cost of the shared hotel room.

The cost of shared lodging must follow as such:

  • When sharing a hotel room, it shall not exceed the nightly hotel allowance
  • When sharing an entire apartment or house (e.g. AirBnB) the entire rental cost, including all fees (service, cleaning, non-taxes, etc.) shall not exceed the nightly hotel allowance multiplied by the number of University Travelers. 

In-state hotels may provide a tax discount or waive taxes for University Travelers. The hotel needs an approved Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver as proof of traveling on University business. Waving of such fees is at the hotel’s discretion.

The International lodging nightly amounts are determined by the US Department of State, Office of Allowances. For lodging nightly allowance, select the appropriate location and see the Maximum Lodging Rate column. Although the site references the amount as a per diem, this is a do-not-exceed amount. CSUDH will reimburse actuals only.


Domestic (Employees)

The reimbursement of daily M&IE for travel is a GSA location-based per diem, set forth in the below table. Travelers are eligible for 75% of the total per diem rate on the first and last day of travel. Expenses above the per diem rate will not be paid and are the responsibility of the traveler.

 48 Contiguous United StatesAlaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and US PossessionsInternational
Less than 24 HoursNo reimbursement No reimbursementNo reimbursement
Less than 24 Hours Overnight Stay75% of the location-based federal per diem rate 75% of the location-based federal per diem rate75% of the location-based federal per diem rate
Less than 30 Days

75% of the location-based federal per diem rate on the first and last day of travel. 

100% of the location-based federal per diem rate on full days of travel. 

75% of the location-based federal per diem rate on the first and last day of travel. 

100% of the location-based federal per diem rate on full days of travel. 

75% of the location-based federal per diem rate on the first and last day of travel. 

100% of the location-based federal per diem rate on full days of travel. 

30 Days or More

Authorized per diem allowance based on estimate of actual daily expenses. 

Not to exceed the applicable location-based federal per diem rate. 

Authorized per diem allowance based on estimate of actual daily expenses. 

Not to exceed the applicable location-based federal per diem rate. 

Authorized per diem allowance based on estimate of actual daily expenses. 

Not to exceed the applicable location-based federal per diem rate. 

In Excess of One YearAuthorized per diem allowance up to 150% of the applicable 30 days or more per diem rate. Authorized per diem allowance up to 150% of the applicable 30 days or more per diem rate. Authorized per diem allowance up to 150% of the applicable 30 days or more per diem rate. 

When meal expenses are paid directly by the University, are reimbursed as entertainment expenses, or are otherwise furnished to the traveler without charge (e.g. conferences, professional meetings, etc.), the maximum M&IE per diem rate authorized for travel must be adjusted. If a meal is provided, the daily per diem amount must be reduced by the applicable meal amounts for the meal provided. Situations that may require an adjustment include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Meals furnished as part of a conference or professional meeting;
  • Meals are furnished as part of official University entertainment;
  • Meal expenses are included in the event registration fee; or
  • Group expenses are billed directly to the University.

In the event the traveler must forego the provided meal for health or business reasons, an explanation for the purchase of the meal replacement must accompany the Expense Report. Supporting documentation may be required and payment will be at the applicable per diem amount.

Domestic (Non-Employees)

The same rules as above apply, except non-employees use the below rates rather than location-based rates.

Meals & Incidentals TotalBreakfastLunchDinnerIncidental ExpensesFirst & Last Day of Travel


The daily meal allowance for international travel is determined by the US Department of State, Office of Allowances. For meals and incidental daily allowance (1 rate), select the appropriate location and see the M & IE rate column. Although the site references the amount as a per diem, this is a do-not-exceed amount. CSUDH will reimburse actuals.


Hospitality may be acceptable while traveling on University business. Please refer to the Hospitality Policy [PDF].

Also see TIPS.

Mileage, Parking, Tolls

Individuals requesting mileage reimbursement are certifying the number of miles driven is accurate. When two or more persons on University business share a private vehicle, only the driver may claim reimbursement for mileage.

 The following applies to all domestic travel: 

  1. Allowable Mileage Expense – With Overnight Stay
    • Mileage shall ordinarily be computed between the traveler's normal work location and the common carrier or destination.
    • Mileage expenses may be allowed between the traveler's residence and the common carrier or destination if University business travel occurs during the traveler's non-working hours, or during a regularly scheduled day off.
    • When a traveler is authorized to drive a private vehicle to or from a common carrier terminal, mileage may be reimbursed as follows:
      1. One round trip, including parking for the duration of the trip; or
      2. Two round trips, including short-term parking expenses, when an employee is driven to a common carrier
  2. Allowable Mileage Expense – No Overnight Stay
    • If an employee has an assignment away from their normal work location, (e.g., single day workshop, local conference, training, assignments at more than one location, etc.) which does not require an overnight stay, reimbursement shall be made for mileage expenses as follows:
      1. Mileage between Home and a Single Assignment Location
        • Reimbursement shall be made for round-trip mileage between home and the assignment location, or between the normal work location and the assignment location, whichever is less.
      2. Mileage between Home and Multiple Assignment Locations
        • Reimbursement shall be made for round-trip mileage between the normal work location (not home) and the first assignment location visited and round-trip mileage between successive assignment locations visited.
      3. Mileage between Normal Work Location and an Assignment location
        • Reimbursement shall be made for round-trip mileage between the normal work location and the assignment location.
      4. Mileage between Home, Normal Work Location and then on to a Single Assignment Location (or any combination thereof):
        • Reimbursement shall be made for round-trip mileage between the normal work location and the assignment location.
      5. Mileage between Home, Normal Work Location and then on to Multiple Assignment Locations (or any combination thereof):
        • Reimbursement shall be made for round-trip mileage between the normal work location and the first assignment location visited and round-trip mileage between successive assignment locations visited.
  3. Standard Rate
    • The standard business reimbursement rate per mile is published annually by the Internal Revenue Service. This rate takes into account all actual automobile expenses such as fuel and lubrication, towing charges, maintenance and repairs, tires, depreciation, vehicle registration, and insurance.
    • According to IRS regulations, travelers who claim this rate are not required to substantiate the actual costs of operating the vehicle.

Miscellaneous Automobile-related Expenses
The vehicle operator may claim charges for ferries, bridges, tunnels, or toll roads. Reasonable charges for parking while an employee is on travel status or on University business away from regular duties also will be allowed for the following:

 Day parking on trips away from an employee's normal work location;

  1. Day and all night parking on overnight trips away from an employee's normal work location or residence if free overnight parking is not available; and
  2. Parking charges incurred when an employee without a parking permit is occasionally required to drive to and from their normal work location.
Missing Receipts

When original receipts are required but cannot be obtained or have been lost and all measures to obtain a duplicate receipt have been exhausted, a statement should be provided explaining why such receipts are not being submitted with the Travel Expense report and must be approved by the approving authority. 

If you are a Concur traveler using a Travel Credit Card, all receipts are required for all transactions charged to Travel Credit Card. There are no exceptions for missing receipts. Missing receipts for Travel Credit Card transactions are in violation of the Travel Card Policy & Procedures and an infraction will be issued for each missing receipt.

Non-Employee Travelers

Payment of travel expenses for non-employee travelers must be processed as a reimbursement to the traveler. Travelers in this category include prospective employees and students. A Vendor Data Form (STD 204) for each non-employee traveler is required to be on file with the university prior to making a payment. This is required by California State Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 18646 to facilitate tax compliance and the preparation of Form 1099 and other information returns as required by the Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(a). 

In addition to following the CSU Travel Policy and CSUDH Travel Procedure, the following also applies to non-employee travelers:

  • Transportation and lodging for prospective employees and other non-student non-employees will be paid via reimbursement only. These non-employees may not use campus Rental Car special rate code.
  • Transportation and lodging for students may be paid by the University on behalf of student travelers. Students may not use campus Rental Car special rate code.
  • To reduce campus liability, it is recommended that departments not make travel arrangements on behalf of non-employee travelers. 
  • Travel expenses for independent contractors and consultants will not be reimbursed through the Travel Desk. Estimated travel costs should be included in the vendor's fee and should be included in the purchase order amount.
Non-Reimbursable Expenses

This section identifies various expenses not addressed elsewhere in this policy that are not permitted using University funds. Non-reimbursable expenditures can be characterized as those with a personal purpose and will not be reimbursed by the University. Per California Government Code § 8314 (b)(1), “’Personal purpose’ means those activities the purpose of which is for personal enjoyment, private gain or advantage, or an outside endeavor not related to state business.” 

The following non-reimbursable expenditures are only meant to provide examples of expenses that will not be reimbursed by the University. Such expenses include but are not limited to personal domestic ATM/credit card fees; fines/citations; clothing and accessories; frequent traveler program participation; account fees or deposits for FastTrack (or equivalent) that are not related to individual toll charges; club membership fees; luggage (lost luggage may be covered, see CSU Travel Policy Section VIII.E. Personal Property or Baggage Loss); personal entertainment; personal care; and dependent/pet care.

Personal Travel

While traveling on University business, travelers may add extra days of personal travel. The University does not cover costs for personal travel, a documented cost comparison must be attached to the Travel Expense Claim.  A cost comparison form must be submitted with the Travel Request form.


University Traveler must pay with your own personal credit card for the days on personal travel. You may only use University payment methods for University expenses.


University Traveler is encouraged to turn in any rentals upon completion of University Travel since university insurance is only applicable for business travel, not personal travel. Traveler should rent their own automobile on their own personal credit card and insurance to ensure proper coverage for personal travel.


University Traveler may extend their airfare dates to include personal travel as long as traveler documents the cost of airfare for University Travel only (e.g. to conference and back) since this will be the reimbursement amount. Proper documentation includes a screenshot of air fare for University Travel, which must include university travel start date and end date, destination(s) and price. Any additional costs above reimbursement amount for personal travel is the traveler’s responsibility and will have to pay the University back.

Private Automobiles

Persons travelling by automobile for University business must possess a valid driver’s license or pending application for a California driver’s license. Visitors to or new residents of California should refer to Driver License Information located at: All persons operating a vehicle for official business travel are required to comply with California State laws.

When using a private vehicle for University business, CSU employees must meet Risk Management's Defensive Driving Requirements

When using a private vehicle, qualified drivers are responsible for carrying and maintaining liability insurance.


Accounts Payable no longer processes Relocation expenses. Please see Human Resources' Recruitment Guidelines & Forms.

Rental Vehicles

When renting a vehicle, travelers are expected to utilize rental agencies with which the State of California or the University have negotiated contracts that include insurance coverage. Renting vehicles from a non-contracted vendor is prohibited, unless vehicles are unavailable from a contracted vendor. See Section Travel Related Insurance, Rental Vehicles.

  • Rental cars may not be used for local business travel.
  • Personal use of the business contract or direct billed functionality is not allowed.
  • Economy or intermediate class should be requested.
  • Travelers are expected to use CSU/CSUDH contracted supplier, which includes insurance coverage. See below for information. Renting vehicles from a non-contracted vendor is prohibited, unless vehicles are unavailable from a contracted vendor.

The CSU contracted car rental agency is Enterprise or National.  When booking, these rental agencies will request from the traveler a billing code, account code, and travel request number.  Traveler must contact the Travel Desk at (310) 243-3807 to obtain the billing and account codes. 

  1. Authorization to Rent
    • A vehicle may be rented when renting would be more advantageous to the University than other means of commercial transportation, such as using a taxi. Advance reservations should be made whenever possible and an economy or intermediate class vehicle requested. These classes should be used unless a no-cost upgrade is provided or if the recommended sizes are not adequate to meet the business purposes of the trip. Any exception must be properly documented and must be attached to the Travel Claim form along with the Divisional Vice President’s approval.
    • The traveler is responsible for obtaining the best available rate commensurate with the requirements of the trip. The discount negotiated with car rental agencies should be requested when available.
    • The rental car agency's University identification number should be given to the agency at the time of rental in order to secure the contract rate and ensure that the vehicle is covered by physical damage insurance.   Generally, car rental reservations must be made with Enterprise to obtain state negotiated rates for business travel.  Charges are direct billed to the University.
    • Personal use of the business contract or direct billed functionality is prohibited.
  2. Fuel Requirements
    • Travelers are strongly encouraged to return their rental cars with a full tank of gas purchased prior to dropping off the vehicle. Gas should not be purchased from the rental car agency due to the increased cost and additional fees that may be applicable. Pre-purchasing fuel is not recommended because the traveler is charged for a full tank of gas regardless how much gas is actually used.
  3. Additional Options
    • Charges for additional options including, but not limited to, items such ski racks, GPS devices, car seats, and satellite radio will not be reimbursed unless the traveler provides a business related requirement for the equipment. A business justification must be submitted and approved by the approving authority.
  4. Payment Options
    Rental Cars may be booked directly with the individual rental car company (Enterprise) or through a designated travel agency (Away We Go).

    The recognized forms of payment for Commercial Rental Car contracts with Enterprise and National are:
    1. Direct Bill via the Car Rental Business Travel Account (CRBTA)
    2. Personal credit cards

      Cash and personal checks are not authorized forms of payment for the commercial rental car contracts.

Meal tips, also up to 20% of the total bill, are reimbursed as part of the Meals & Incidentals location-based GSA allowance; Tips and gratuity to hotel staff are also reimbursed as part of the Meals & Incidentals location-based GSA allowance.

Tips for taxi, shuttle service, rideshare, and valet are not covered under Incidental expenses and are instead considered part of the cost.

Travel Expense Claim

A Travel Claim Worksheet shall be used to account for all non-employee travel expenses incurred in connection with official University travel, and a Concur Expense Report must be submitted for employee travel expenses incurred in connection with official University travel. Travel Claim Worksheet and Concur Expense Report will be referred to as Travel Expense Report.

When properly completed and approved, this process is used to reimburse the traveler for any additional amounts due. For direct billing arrangements that have been approved in advance, Travel Expense reports must still be processed as verification that the expense was incurred even if no reimbursement is due the traveler. 

The total amount of all expenses and advances pertaining to a particular trip must be accounted for when submitting Travel Expense reports. All expenditures for a trip should be reported on one Travel Expense report. Previously reimbursed amounts related to the trip should be detailed. Supplemental Travel Expense reports may be submitted if necessary, but must be clearly marked "Supplemental" and must identify the original Claim submitted in connection with the travel. 

The Travel Expense report must be submitted to the Accounts Payable office within 60 days of the end of a trip unless there is recurrent local travel, in which case expenses may be aggregated and submitted monthly. When a trip lasts more than 90 days, the traveler must submit a quarterly report of expenditures to the campus accounting office. 

Return of Excess Advance 

If the amount of an advance exceeds the reimbursable expenses, repayment for the amount due shall be submitted to the Cashier’s Office and the receipt shall be submitted with the Concur Expense Report. Checks must be made payable to CSU Dominguez Hills. 

Cost Comparison

A cost comparison form/documentation must be attached to the travel claim for the following situations:

  • Any resulting additional expenses resulting from an indirect route or interrupted travel for other than University business shall be borne by the traveler. Reimbursement of expenses shall be limited to the lessor of actual costs incurred or the charges that would have been incurred via a usually traveled route.
  • Additional expenses associated with travel extended to save costs may be reimbursed when the cost of airfare would be less than the cost of airfare had the traveler not extended the trip (provided the expenses were incurred in compliance with these procedures). Such expenses shall not exceed the amount the University would have paid had the traveler not extended the .

Receipt Requirements 

Itemized receipts for all expenses in excess of $75 dollars must be submitted with the Travel Expense Report (Exception: ALL receipts are required when using the Travel Card, regardless of dollar amount).

An itemized receipt: 

  1. Demonstrates the cost (shows what was purchased), and
  2. Provides proof of payment (shows how it was paid) 

Missing Receipts 

When original receipts are required but cannot be obtained or have been lost and all measures to obtain a duplicate receipt have been exhausted, a statement should be provided explaining why such receipts are not being submitted with the Travel Expense report and must be approved by the approving authority. Missing Travel Card receipts are not allowed exceptions and infractions will be issued for each missing receipt.

Approval of Travel Expense 

The approving signature provides additional substantiation. Approvers may request receipts or additional documentation. For example, travelers should be required to submit meal receipts if it appears they are treating the meal and incidental reimbursement cap as a per diem by routinely claiming the maximum amount of the cap. 

A person who reports directly or indirectly to the traveler may not approve the Travel Expense report. Persons delegated the authority to approve travel shall not approve their own travel. In addition, travelers may not approve the travel of a near relative, e.g., spouse, registered domestic partner, significant other, child, or parent. 

The authority to approve CSUDH travel-related expenses for faculty and staff has been delegated to the Vice President of each division.  It is the responsibility of each division to ensure compliance with CSU and campus travel policy requirements and to further assign approving authority for travel within their divisions.

The campus Chief Financial Officer must approve travel expenses for the campus President, including a spouse, registered domestic partner, or an associate of the President. 

Travel expenses incurred by Vice Presidents and Deans may be approved by a Vice President (or other responsible administrator) designated by the President. The President may designate more than one approving Vice President.

Additional required approvals:

  • Vice President approval is required for the following:
    • Lodging over $333
    • International travel
    • Exceptions to policy
  • President approval is required for international travel
  • The Chancellor’s approval is required for the President’s international travel, per EO-688.
Travel Less than 24 Hours

Meals and incidental expenses are not reimbursed by the University when the start time and end time of a trip are within 24 hours of each other (for benefit beyond a doubt, the entire trip is less than 24 hours), unless an overnight stay is included and supported by a lodging receipt. In the event a lodging receipt cannot be provided (e.g. the traveler lodged with a friend or relative, stayed overnight at the airport, or took alternative transportation that required the traveler to be away overnight), a statement explaining the lack of lodging receipt must be submitted along with the travel expense.

Travel Request

A Travel Request is necessary for efficient administration of travel transactions.

  • Employee travelers are responsible for submitting a Concur Request prior to travel. The traveler should not incur any expenses until the Request has been fully approved within Concur.
  • Non-employee travelers: a Travel Request form must be submitted to, prior to travel. The traveler should not incur any expenses until the Travel Request has been reviewed by Accounting Services and a travel number has been issued. The department should:
    • Request authorization via a Travel Request form
    • Include an itinerary (such as conference agenda) explaining purpose of travel
    • Provide a budget breaking down of travel expenses (air, car, hotel, conference fees, meals, etc.)
    • If registration fee needs to be paid via check, attach copy of registration invoice
    • Get proper signatures for international travel
    • A cost comparison form/documentation must be submitted with the travel request for the following situations:

      • If advance approval has been obtained, a traveler may use surface transportation for personal reasons even though air travel is the appropriate mode of transportation, or vice versa. Reimbursement of expenses shall be limited to the lesser of actual costs. 
      • When a traveler prefers to use a higher class than the one authorized for reimbursement, the traveler must pay the incremental cost of the airfare.
    Use of Contracted Suppliers

    University business travelers are asked to be diligent about the cost effectiveness of travel related expenditures. Travelers are expected to purchase travel services, when available, from CSU, campus or State of California contracted suppliers. Employees should book in Concur to utilize the CSU-contracted suppliers and for integration of transactions into Concur.

    The CSUDH contracted Travel Agency for Non-Employee Travel

    Away We Go Travel
    Phone: 562-690-3339

    There is a minimum $25 non-refundable service for each booking. Before booking with the travel agency, the traveler must have a travel request number and PeopleSoft Finance expenditure account to be charged.

    The CSUDH Contracted Hotels for Non-Employees

    Holiday Inn Los Angeles Gateway – Torrance

    • Address: 19800 S. Vermont Avenue
      Torrance, CA 90502
    • Contact Person: Yumi Pena
    • Main: (310) 781-9100
    • Direct: (310) 619-2536
    • Fax: (310) 327-8296

    Doubletree by Hilton Carson

    • Address: 2 Civic Plaza Drive
      Carson, CA 90745
    • Contact Person: Zoe Ji
    • Direct: (310) 513-7591
    • Fax: (310) 518-2969

    The CSU Contracted Car Rental Agency is Enterprise or National

    When booking, these rental agencies will request from the traveler a credit card number, account code, and travel request number. Traveler must contact the Travel Desk at (310) 243-3807 to obtain the account code.

    Additional Information

    Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Is there a maximum allowance for hotel costs?
      • Yes. The maximum lodging rate for travel within the contiguous US is $333.00 per night, excluding tax.
      • For international travel, federal per-diem rates for all locations can be found at
    2. Can I claim meal allowance for a one-day trip?
      • No. The meal allowance can only be claimed if the travel includes an overnight stay (supported by a lodging receipt).
    3. When claiming mileage, do I measure from campus or from home?
      • Mileage may be claimed from the employee’s home to a common carrier terminal (airport, train station, etc.) if the travel occurs during an employee’s non-working hours or on regularly scheduled days off. Otherwise, the employee must claim either the mileage from home or from the CSUDH campus, whichever is less.
    4. When opting to drive instead of fly, do I claim mileage?
      • If advance approval has been obtained, a traveler may claim surface transportation expenses even though air travel is the appropriate mode of transportation.  Reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of regular coach airfare plus transportation costs to and from the terminals. A Cost Comparison form must be submitted with the Travel Request, demonstrating the cost of regular coach in effect at the time of travel.
    5. What travel agency does the University use?
      • The University uses Away We Go Travel for non-Concur travel arrangements. Their phone number is (562) 690-3339.
    6. What rental car agency does the University use?
      • Enterprise or National Car Rental. Contact the Travel desk at to obtain the CSUDH account number. You will need to provide your Travel Request number.
    7. Will the University pay a conference registration fee directly?
      • Yes. Attach a copy of the registration form to the Travel Request Form and note the information on the form.
      • For Concur travel, see the Concur FAQ for the procedure.
    8. Is it necessary to submit a Travel Claim Form if the only expense is a direct payment of registration fees?
      • Yes, an expense claim must always be submitted.
    9. Does the University offer a travel credit card to employees?
    10. Who can I contact with other travel-related questions?
    11. The Travel Request says “CSU Employee – NOT ALLOWED” under Traveler Type. What does this mean?
      • Employees of other CSUs must seek travel reimbursement from their home campus, then that campus will initiate an IFT with our campus to be reimbursed for the cost.
    12. If my travel is being charged to an auxiliary, do I still need to submit a Travel Request for stateside Accounting Services?
      • No.
    13. If I am not going to request a reimbursement, do I still need to submit a Travel Request?
      • Yes, you must still submit a Travel Request for insurance purposes.
    14. What is the University policy regarding cancellation of reservations?
      • Refer to the Travel webpage; see “Canceled Travel” section.
    15. Can student travelers get a travel advance?
      • Cash advances are only allowed for a CSUDH employee who is accompanying a student group as a group leader.
    16. What is included in economy airfare that is allowable?
      • Examples of economy airfare include Coach, Economy, Economy Plus, Basic Economy, and Main Cabin.
    17. How do I arrange/pay travel for an Independent Contractor or Consultant?
      • Travel expenses for independent contractors and consultants should be included in the vendor/speaker fee, and should be included in the purchase order. To reduce campus liability, it is recommended that departments not make travel arrangements on behalf of non-employee travelers.